
среда, 25 февраля 2015 г.

Interview with a representative fan groups Warriors Gate 6 (Panetolikos Agrinio)

The provincial Greek town of Agrinio can hardly something to interest demanding public. Essentially it stands out among thousands of other industrial cities only a local football club and its fan movement. Warriors can rightly be considered one of the top local firms in Greece, in his city they can to fight even with a famous Athenian hooligans. With regard to policy, Agrinio undoubtedly be called anti-fascist city.

Guardia Rossa (SC Red Star Penzing)

It must have been around one year ago when a few politically interested footballcracks from Vienna who followed different First League Clubs decided to cancel their support for their former clubs because of their developments and to search for a club in the lower leagues that everybody of them could identify with. They searched for a club that has a long and still living on tradition as worker’s club, where entrance fees are still affordable, where you can build up a leftside terrace that is even wanted by the very club managers and players and where you can go for booze and party with the entire squad after the games.

суббота, 21 февраля 2015 г.

Azzurra Familia (Pas Giannina)

Azzurra Familia club was created in 2013 after fleeing of several members from the leading club, Blue Vayeros. The reasons for such withdrawal was the mismanagement of the leaders for the organization of the curva but also unusual support for the team management, they work regardless of the tragic mistakes of them.

пятница, 6 февраля 2015 г.

Левадиакос - Керкира (28.09.14)

Недалеко от священной горы Парнас и развалин Дельф находится маленький город Левадия.  Волей судьбы мне посчастливилось очутиться в этом месте и познакомится с представителями местной фан-сцены.

Интервью с участником Антифа Лиги Афин

Афины многим известны как центр европейского протеста, где антифашисты и анархисты являются серьезной политической силой. Да и само слово “анархия” имеет греческое происхождение. В Греции также очень популярен футбол и сформировались многие фанатские группы, поддерживающие антифашистские идеи. Здесь речь пойдет об одном из проектов левого движения Афин, направленного на формирование новой футбольной культуры без влияния националистов и крупного капитала.